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So you've found the secret FAQ page, so If You must know...

How do you come up with ideas for your art?

My ideas as of recent are based around my experience with PCOS (Polycystic ovarian Syndrome) and my quest to find things that help the condition ending up with the IUD, mixing that with my Christian upbringing and life experience and baked into the cake that is my print series of 2022

What is PCOS?

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a health problem that affects 1 in 10 women of childbearing age. Women with PCOS have a hormonal imbalance and metabolism problems that may affect their overall health and appearance. PCOS is also a common and treatable cause of infertility.

It's a hormonal disorder causing enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer edges.

The cause of polycystic ovary syndrome isn't well understood, but may involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Symptoms include menstrual irregularity, excess hair growth, acne and obesity.

Treatments include birth control pills to regularise periods, medication called metformin to prevent diabetes, statins to control high cholesterol, hormones to increase fertility and procedures to remove excess hair.

How do you make your screen prints?

How I usually start a Print, is I make some sketches, gather some reference images and work out the colour scheme. I do this on an app on my tablet - Infinite painter. I then Hyper focus on the design making sure each colour is on a new layer so I can easily separate them for the stencils. I then make the layers black print them onto pollycopy sheets, then expose them to a screen, then print from there.  


Do You take commissions?


Send me an email or message me @rasberryh on instagram and we will talk about what you would like <3

How do you make your animations?

Honestly, I just start drawing and then the spirit of animation takes over everything goes black and I come too with the only light of the monitor illuminating the dark room, because Ive just spent 12 hours hunched over my computer. I have bad back problems... 

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